DCU Control System Platform developed by PROSYSTEMY is a complete software-hardware package for building a new generation of control systems. The platform is universal and flexible and it can be used for building process control, embedded control, building management, HVAC control, or any experimental or hobby control system. The resulting control system is cost-efficient fully-featured control systems based on open-source platforms and implementing advanced control. Unlike majority of industrial control systems, modern open-source platform-independent software (Java, MySQL, Apache, Scilab/Xcos ) is employed. In consequence, implementation is always up-to-date, and optimal in terms of performance/cost and with free licences regardless the size of control system. Practically any computer hardware (miniPC, PC, server, notebook) can be used as a visualization/SCADA process data server. Additional important feature is availability of advanced control algorithms for complex control tasks. System with excellent price and flexibility is available to any professional, small or medium business, laboratory, university, school, or even hobbyist, student. It delivers high performance, designer comfort, modern visualization and process data recording plus yet unseen advanced control features. Freely programmable controller (digital control unit) DCU56IO / DCU28IO / DCU30IOA is the heart of this modern control system. [.pdf]
DCU56IO Dynamic Control Unit
  • Sampling time from 1msec
  • 64-bit floating point precision
  • 16 analog inputs: 0-10V, 0-20mA, NTC/PT/Ni, ...
  • 8 analog outputs: 0-10V, 0-20mA
  • 32 digital inputs/outputs: contact/24VDC/relay
  • Modbus RTU
  • TCP/UDP/IP Ethernet
  • Power supply 12-24 VAC / 13-36 VDC
DCU28IO / DCU30IOA Dynamic Control Unit
  • Sampling time from 1msec
  • 64-bit floating point precision
  • 8 analog inputs: 0-10V, 0-20mA, NTC/PT/Ni, ...
  • 4 analog outputs: 0-10V, 0-20mA
  • 8 digital inputs contact
  • 8 digital outputs 24VDC
  • Modbus RTU
  • TCP/UDP/IP Ethernet
  • Power supply 12-24 VAC / 13-36 VDC
  • Mini-PC predinstalled as design and visualization server for monitoring mor than 500 inputs/outputs
  • Linux Ubuntu
  • Java / PHP / MySQL / Apache
  • User Command Center
  • Standard visualization web-pages
  • Scilab / Xcos
  • 2GB RAM
  • 64GB SSD
  • Touch panel ready for process monitoring and visualization
  • Android
  • Screen size 7'' to 21''
  • User Command Center
  • Visualization/SCADA - standard web-pages
  • 2GB RAM
  • 8GB Internal memory
  • Guidance in design, implementation and optimization of control systems
  • Control system design and programming
  • Control system optimization
  • Control system mounting and instalation


Performance / cost flexible Optimal costs for control system
Software for free Low investment costs
Supports Win / Linux / Mac / Android Low cost instalation + optimal performance
Open-source software User free from producer
User support for free Easy implementation
Top metods of design and optimalization Optimal and reliable operation of technologies


Hobby / Home electronics

  • All software tools for design and implementation are free or open-source, no licenses, no registration
  • Interactive and intuitive user interface comes with all tools
  • Programming skills (C, Assembler, etc) are no needed
  • Exhaustive documentation including manuals and step-by-step guides

Industry / HVAC / Building

  • Capable to replace classical industrial controlels (PLC, PAC) as well as HVAC controllers
  • Hard real-time system core up to 1ms execution time
  • Standard process control functions implemented (Alarm events, Schedules, PID, ...)
  • Control units networking supported
  • Visualization and historical data recording
  • Modbus RTU communication bus integrated

Education / Research

  • Capable to implement advanced control algorithms such as state-space, transfer functions, RST controllers
  • Scientific dynamic simulation tools used for control design and validation Scilab / Matlab (tool under development)
  • 64-bit double precision integrated in embedded real-time system
  • True real-time sampling implemented (read input - evaulation - write output within pre-defined sample time guaranteed)